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Hot Take: Jedi are terrible people.


Yes, yes, they defend the galaxy an use the force and whatnot, but we must ask ourselves, are Jedi truly moral people? I think not.

Welcome to The Nerd is Strong With This One, where we talk about all the famous franchises of the world, why they are great, and why they are terrible. Today's article is about Jedi, the heroic knights of the Star Wars franchise. They defend the defenseless! They wave laser swords! They sit in bean bag chairs and look wise!

And yet, despite all these qualities, it is my humble opinion that Jedi are not as moral as they seem. Here's why:

1: It is SO easy for them to turn to the dark side.

Count Dooku, Darth Revan, and let's not forget Anakin - How come so many Jedi go bad? Well, it's not hard because many Jedi are already on the verge of turning evil. Most of the highly-ranked Jedi completely separate themselves from the rest of the world. They don't care about anything but their weird cult. Some Jedi-in-training becomes all emotionally distraught by this. Then a random Sith will march up to him and pretend to be all nice and supportive. The padawan will feel constricted by the Jedi laws, and it will be easy for him to ditch all morals and go to the dark side, where he is "cared about."

Either that or LucasFilm continuously uses this storyline because it builds suspense.

If Jedi would stop being so devoted to their freaky hippie cult, this wouldn't happen so frequently.

2. They give up on people too easily.

Whenever someone does turn to the dark side, everyone else acts like it's over and there's no hope for him. Jedi don't seem to realize that humanity is flawed and we will all make mistakes. We're not all perfect little force-wielders like you, guys.

For example, when Obi-Wan confronts Anakin in Revenge of the Sith, He doesn't even try reasoning with him. He just starts hacking off limbs. Both he and Yoda encourage Luke to do the same in the original trilogy.

"Kill your father, Luke! He's only half human."

"Well, um, I'm not actually sure about that..."

"C'mon. You're a Jedi! You're not supposed to care about anyone!"

Luke becomes the first to actually reason with Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi. Lo and behold! Talking things out like civilized beings works! Anakin renounces the dark side and kills the Emperor.

Aaaaaaand just when Luke seemed to be the only reasonable Jedi in existence, the Sequels happened. Luke senses darkness in his nephew Ben, and attempts to murder him in his sleep. Than he ditches the Jedi order and grouses on a remote planet.

3. They are bad with kids

Have you watched The Book of Boba Fett? I'll try not to spoil it. But let me say that after watching that, I would absolutely never let a Jedi baby-sit. You'd come home to find him making your child do weird meditation exercises or dodge laser bullets. No, Luke! You do not zap the small child! Bad Jedi, bad!

4. They are loathsome, soulless robots

Yadda, yadda. All they care about is the Force. Luke seemed like an ordinary guy for a solid three movies, and than he became some hardcore religious extremist. In The Book of Boba Fett, we see Luke training a young Padawan. He acts like some sort of spartan, refusing the Padawan any emotions or brief distractions. Since the original trilogy, he has become a stonehearted slave driver who lives to prattle monotonously about the Force. Obi-Wan and Yoda were the same way. Perhaps all Jedi Masters are like that.

5. They treat their soldiers like dirt

Clone troopers have tough lives. Their minds are preprogrammed at birth to make them follow orders, they have to grow up and train on a corrupt sea planet, and they have terrible equipment, so they die in battle frequently. Besides that, everyone - Jedi included - treats them like tools or pieces of hardware. In one particular sequence of Clone Wars episodes, a group of Jedi and clones are on a mission to get another Jedi's sorry bottom out of a high-security prison. As usual, many of the clones die. But the Jedi hurry the company along, forbidding their soldiers a moment to mourn their fallen brothers.

Then a Jedi dies. All of a sudden, the company stops the mission and gives him a little funeral. They treat the clones like objects, as if they only exist to fight for the Republic. It's messed up.

This has been why I think Jedi are terrible people. What do you think? Let me know in the comments, and for those of you who had no idea what I was talking about, go watch Star Wars. Immediately.


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reb Cutts
reb Cutts
Mar 14, 2022

Excellent analysis, Issac!


Mar 13, 2022

I have always thought Jedi were terrible people. Luke was so mean to baby Yoda. I was cheesed off at him.

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